History Of Earth
In the Earth's HADEAN eon, tidal forces were far more pronounced than they're today. Even lakes had a giant urban flow of water, creating wet and dry cycles. These moist and dry cycles were one of the foremost crucial factors in producing the building blocks of life, and fatty acids came together, encasing the proto life molecules polymerization progressed under the wet and dry cycles,
Eventually, protein-like raw materials that might act as catalysts were produced. These molecules circulated between the geyser cave and so the surface environment. The interactions of these materials led to additional composite biomolecules.
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Proto RNA combined with enzyme-like raw materials and evolved into ribozymes that may replicate themselves. This laid the groundwork forever to breed. Finally, these molecules were enclosed within lipid membranes forming primitive proto cellular energy, which was the beginning of life.
The Earth's architecture which had begun with the creation of its ocean eventually destroyed its prime elements and classified it to the deep mantle,
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By 4 billion years ago the mother continent had disappeared leaving life on the margins of a fragmented landmass, inside the earth a dramatic change was near begin the subducted primordial continent descended toward the core-mantle boundary, the wealth of radioactive elements within the primordial continent caused the uppermost an element of the core to melt, by 4.2 billion years ago the newly-created liquid outer core was strengthening the Earth's field protecting the surface environment against solar winds and cosmic rays, as a result life could exist on the surface environment the supply of energy and nutrients through material circulation is vital forever, the essential mechanism to require care of life is an endless flow of electrons the first pro to life couldn't survive very removed from the nuclear geyser due to insufficient energy, mutations however allowed life to evolve the more resilient life-forms were able to adapt and survive in harsh environments, this second stage of proto life evolved to make use of the daylight available on the layer they developed a metabolism that converted light energy into electrochemical energy, moreover thay use stored energy in the form sugars at night hours.
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The source of energy for all times on Earth shifted from nuclear geysers to the sun. Around 4.1 billion years ago, the ocean was still extremely toxic, killing off most of the proto life-forms within it nevertheless some proto life-forms survived, the acute environment they developed protective mechanisms to prevent the metallic ions within the ocean water from entering their protocells this proto life began merging into more extensive and more complex forms, modern life-forms use only twenty styles of amino acids this means our ancestors that used the identical amino acids were those who survived the mass extinction, evolution walks a difficult tightrope between continuing and ending unstable RNA evolved through radiation into more durable DNA making it possible to pass information across generations reliably, and also the third stage of proto life was born this was the beginning of prokaryotic organisms the ancestors of today's archaea and bacteria.
When unbound to the opposite material, oxygen could also be toxic to life because oxygen destroys the reductive life body. Therefore the first photosynthetic organisms would are anaerobic microbes that produced no oxygen. Life, however, adapted taking advantage of oxygen as source of additional energy. This development resulted within the looks of cyanobacteria.
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Cyanobacteria produced oxygen which crystallized into felsic iron-bearing oxide, reducing the iron content of the ocean still the ocean was five times as saline because it's today.
because the Earth's interior cooled, old slabs of the primordial crust resting at the underside of the layer fell into the lower cover. Meanwhile, numerous mantle plumes ascended from the layer into the upper mantle; this phenomenon is believed as mantle overturn.
Mantle plumes pushed the basaltic crust upward, generating landmass. This created shallow marine environments penetrated by sunlight which allowed the cyanobacteria to flourish, the oxygen produced by the cyanobacteria gradually altered the Earth's atmosphere; on the seabed, ferric and ferrous iron were accumulating within the type of hematite and magnetite, creating an infinite banded iron formation, by 2.5 billion years ago the remaining banded iron formation was some kilometers thick, this rapid decrease in iron content changed the color of the ocean to a well-recognized blue, life began to change the surface environment such is that the coevolution of the globe and its inhabitants this was an important step in life on Earth's long journey towards civilization.
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A collision between the Milky Way and a close-by dwarf galaxy produced countless glowing stars. Within some thousand years, variety of those stars led to supernova explosions, a myriad of cosmic rays from the supernova deteriorated the sun's heliosphere and bombarded the globe, these cosmic rays help generate cloud condensation nuclei which produced more and more clouds until the world was blanketed entirely with them the thick overcast prevented sunlight from reaching the surface of the globe, the world underwent a worldwide glaciation event said because the snowball Earth this caused another global mass extinction, but another time some life survived yet another difficult period beneath the ice sheet, tiny life was protected by the Earth's massive circulating system, and also the planet is similarly held in place by the scheme and also the expansive universe, life is but one part of an infinite structure.
The prokaryotes survived the snowball Earth evolving into more complex life like endosymbiotic systems inhabitancy inside cells. They formed mitochondria and chloroplasts, which allowed them to induce more energy from oxygen. one prokaryote body could contain thousands of mitochondria, and a nuclear membrane began protecting DNA from the oxygen dense ocean water; DNA strands grew longer, retaining ever more genetic information life evolved into more diverse and sophisticated organisms, at long last, the eukaryotes appeared the eukaryotes developed 1,000,000 times larger than the prokaryotes, in theory, everything inevitably falls into Disorder, but life is chaotic and extremely complicated, life seems to continue evolving undeterred by universal entropy.
plate tectonic theory caused small developing continents to assemble into one supercontinent called Nuna. The forming of Nuna led to an expanding ecosystem for cyanobacteria on lakes, rivers, wetlands and estuaries.
Cyanobacteria produce free oxygen through photosynthesis at that time; however, most of the free oxygen produced was consumed in decomposing dead.
Cyanobacteria so little free oxygen accumulated within the atmosphere on land; however, dead cyanobacteria got buried under sediments, so oxygen that may have de-escalated their bodies instead ended up within the atmosphere. The presence of an oversized landmass helped increase the quantity of oxygen within the atmosphere because the complete area on the surface of the globe grew, so too did atmospheric oxygen levels dramatically.
The galaxy System galaxy collided with a dwarf galaxy and underwent to transition into starburst conditions. Over time these newly produced stars led to supernova explosions bombarding the globe with cosmic rays, the planet with its weak quadrupole flux was heavily affected clouds covered the whole Earth and ice-covered its surface a series of supernova explosions occurred long periods of utmost heat were punctuated by shorter periods of maximum cold, within the extremely cold periods. Oxygen within the atmosphere fell to archaean eon levels causing mass extinctions. These mass extinctions, however, created great opportunities for keeps to evolve into something completely new, repeated influxes of cosmic rays and drastic fluctuations in oxygen levels. These environmental changes caused genetic mutations that accelerated the looks of recent species.
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Earth's core |
The starburst period ended, and also the Earth's core reverted to a stronger dipole force field. Ongoing photosynthesis returned the oxygen within the atmosphere to previous levels. Meanwhile, the inner Earth was gradually cooling down when the inner Earth is hot enough the components of water trapped in minerals within the oceanic plates are released to the surface environment, and therefore the seawater level is unaffected. However, once the mantle temperature drops below 650 degrees celsius, minerals carry these water components down into the layer. Meanwhile, on the surface empty the components of water, sea levels gradually decrease. this can be referred to as the leaking Earth phenomena, which are inevitable on a cooling planet, and this leaking effect moved three percent of all seawater into the deeper mantle water level dropped by 600 meters. As a result, surface land areas grew, as did seabed areas receiving sunlight; a habitat for future life on Earth was being created.
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Eukaryotes |
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finally, mortals appeared this was the onset of the Humanozic eon
humans have a singular set of genetic regions called accelerated human regions or HAR’s and these regions differentiate humans from other animals; humans developed enlarged brains that enable them to achieve language capabilities they also gained the skills to think to be conscious to recollect, and to imagine.
The brain volume of people at large has discontinuously increased in three stages, the expansion of brain volume seems to be synchronized with large-scale volcanic eruptions this means that the rise in brain volume is caused by stem evolution driven by hi our magma, about 1 million 200 thousand years ago humans started moving out of the African continent the last common female ancestor who left the African continent 200,000 years ago is termed mitochondrial Eve, descendants of mitochondrial Eve entered North America and Central America 15,000 years ago 10,000 years ago further descendants reached the southern tip of South America that they had spread everywhere the globe, since then an epical advance of human civilization has taken place
Humans invented agriculture and livestock production; with these methods, a stable food supply became viable human populations increased rapidly. Various occupational specializations arose. People began to barter and trade to enable compelling bartering cities to formed; with time, small towns developed into small city-states with currencies, economies, laws, courts, and police. Finally, the four great civilizations of the planet appeared along large rivers where food productivity is beyond in other regions,
conflicts in fighting over territory occurred between civilizations to avoid fighting religions spread to exchange governance by royal families entrenched through inheritance, with time national leaders came to be elected by voters modern democratic nations appeared, democracy may be a social form that grants freedom, equality, and fundamental human rights.
The commercial Revolution began in Great Britain after the Principia by physicist was published, new technologies established or applied supported knowledge base dramatically changed human society, the invention of the locomotive enabled transportation of products by railway, the invention of cars and airplanes helped us to travel long distances quickly,
human society entered the age of never-before-seen abundance,
however, war occurred incessantly sometimes irreversible tragedy was caused by the misapplication of knowledge domain,
the information revolution arose following the invention of computers; it enabled men to explore the universe as was symbolized by the Apollo program and therefore the invention of the web led to a brand new era during which people across the planet can connect in an immediate.
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Out of remorse over past Wars, the birth of a UNITED NATION (UN) came into existence in october 24 1945 the EU was formed as a unified state in Europe where Wars had recurred most often, in other areas, similar Federation's are emerging, bringing us closer to the birth of a harmonious world nation, within the scope of Earth's history the human azoic era is extremely short however it's humans entire history unfolding within the context of the Earth's history biologically individuals are only one species of animal, however, we are essentially different from other animals thanks to our evolved brains what else lies ahead for kinsfolk you
Human activities are captivated with fuel was produced and accumulated through Earth's history over billions of years we are now depletion these fuels at a furious pace, the number of fuel remaining is predicted to decrease sharply after 2020 it absolutely was once assumed that fuel would one out by 2100, however, thanks to the shale gas revolution this depletion are going to be delayed 100 years progress in medical technology, and also the intake of nutritious meals has caused explosive population growth; as a result, severe food shortages will occur around 2020 these will mark the start of the age of three billion refugees. However, the world's population is anticipated to decrease to five billion by 2100 after peaking at 10 billion in 2050
until 2050 the increasing population will still cause severe environmental contamination, numerous global challenges will amplify the anxiety within human societies, what does the longer term of mortals hold
In the field of science, innovative technologies are going to be developed at an accelerated pace; humans will build an area base on the moon to organize for a search of the planets of our solar system; artificially intelligent robots are going to be involved in space exploration, assisting humans within their tasks in the near future self-replicating robots will appear and can evolve beyond humans limits, these artificial life-forms will gradually travel out into the galaxy moreover new technology enabling us to travel into different dimensions are going to be developed humans must become able to recognize the planet beyond space and time eventually the role of kinsfolk are finished, which will be the tip of the Humanozoic era
this scenario is also the inevitable results of the strategy of life's evolution because, within the future, the planet will face more upheavals than ever before in its history
centering on Asia, all continents will gather to form the supercontinent Amasia
plants consume atmospheric co2 to fix carbon in their bodies, dead plants made of fixed carbon are covered by sediment; this process plays a role in reducing atmospheric co2, the appearance of the supercontinent Amasia will lead to an increase in the land area that can fix carbon more plants on a larger supercontinent reduce more atmospheric co2, the amount of co2 will decrease to one-tenth of the present level, the c4 plants requiring higher concentrations of co2 will go extinct, as a result, other animals that rely on the c4 plants for food will be affected,
seawater has been decreasing for the past six hundred million years as it has been transported into the mantle in the form of hydras minerals finally mid-oceanic ridges form summits above the seawater, water cannot be taken into the crust as a lubricant anymore, and plate tectonics is terminated, this is the fate of a cooling planet
volcanic activity along these subduction zones stops, the upheaval of the mountains stops, the Earth suffers severe environmental changes due to erosion, subducted cold plates do not go down to the bottom of the mantle, the outer core is not cooled down anymore, and the geomagnetic field disappears
The solar wind removes Earth's atmosphere at this point, large multicellular animals living in the surface environment go extinct when the ocean disappears, animals that survived in the sea will also die finally all the Earth's life disappears the heating up of the solar surface increases the Earth's surface temperature to 500 degrees Celsius, the Earth becomes a Venus-like planet
The andromeda galaxy collides with our Milky Way galaxy; because of this collision, stars' birth rate increases with time those stars undergo supernova explosions, intense galactic cosmic rays rain on, the expanding Sun will swallow the Earth. This is the day when the planet Earth that gave birth to life will disappear from the universe; by that time, the Earth's life will have reached other galaxies as self-replicating artificial life in a different form.